Let me be original here...
"Guests, visitors, and other sinonymous words."
"Friends, acquaintances and yet unknown people."
"Let's have a great start of 2006, and let's keep it up after that, too!!!"
My best wishes to everyone!
Today is the start of the rest of your life.
Make it something to remember!
I'll try! Thanks! :)
PD: Per què sempre que et comento en català en contestes en castellà....? ;)
Hi Pijus.
Yes, it is true. I wasn't really aware of it. I have reviewed my archives, and except on one occasion or maybe two I answered in spanish. I had the impression that it was somewhat more "balanced".
(If you really think we may be so similar probably it is appropriate to tell you the evident here: of course not the least offence was taken because of your comment. Don't worry. He, he...)
(I am talking here as if I were doing it to myself if that "myself" were you.)
(Perhaps that was a little bit too tangled or bad-written...?)
(Hope it's understandable.)
(Sorry about this parentheses-chaos.)
The fact is, I usually talk in spanish. If you want to know the truth, I extremely seldom talk in catalan.
I don't know, maybe you find that a little strange, from the background of my blog? Maybe...
I mean not to give the least importance to the language somebody talks as long as we can understand each other.
In fact, I think there is no reason (except practice, if they feel like it) for somebody to switch to spanish only because of the fact that I do talk in spanish (I understand well enough both catalan and spanish, so I don't see a problem here).
With old friends, however, it is true that I feel comfortable with the existing "status quo" and I don't insist on them to talk to me in catalan. Something that I do insist on when it is clear that the other person doesn't feel "comfortable" at all when talking to me in spanish.
My motto here would be: Talketh wathever thou want, as long as thy understandeth thou. (this "rule", though, doesn't apply to my blog: you may write in Malay if you want. But I assure you that in that case I won't understand a word, he, he...)
(what do you think of my previous attempt at faking old english?) :)
Once again, I remind you to feel free to post in the fashion you like the most... (no, no parlo d'escriure amb un "modelet", he, he..) (d'acord, era un acudit molt dolent...)
As the song says: "Enjoy the silence..."
["Words are very unnecessary..."]
Vaja! Peazo post, eh? ;)
Completament d'acord amb tu, tot i que jo sí que entenc que molta gent canvii d'idioma si tu parles en castellà....és un pèl violent no fer-ho (a la practica, perquè comparteixo totalment amb tu la teoria que totes les llengues valen mentre la gent s'entengui).
Jo, de fet, parlo el castellà a casa i l'he parlat durant les meves èpoques d'escola...va ser a la facultat i més tard a la feina quan he començat a fer servir més el català, tot i que sí que he de reconèixer tenir preferència per aquest últim idioma....més musical, diria jo....i bé, els temps que corren han fet que encara li tingui molta més preferència que abans! Suposo que com deien....tota acció genera una reacció....! ;)
Espero que hagis començat bé l'any, Evolving! Un petó! :X
Acabo de leer tu comentario en mi blog y me ha hecho una ilusión tremenda. Me alegro mucho de haber conseguido que te sintieras identificado. Un besazo.
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