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Si queréis dejar algún comentario, podéis hacerlo en kualkier idioma. All languages are welcome. Toutes les langues sont bienvenues. Alle talen zijn welkom. Totes les llengües són benvingudes. Alle sprachen sient willkommen. Можно Писать по-русски! That's a quite poor description of what I have written by now... Enfin. "¡Mala suerte!", como decía mi amigo Juanito.

domingo, junio 04, 2006

Antimobile manifesto embryo Reloaded

Hey! Greetings. :)

What follows is an old post I have recovered from oblivion.
All oppinions or side-comments about it are extremely welcome. Most of the post is in english, just in case you would become disencouraged because the first sentences in spanish...

Skimming over the text, I don't feel really satisfied with it, but... "Es lo que hay"... -y faena también hay-

Well, I'm going to study now.

Beware! Ahead of this line, you jump into the past...

Llegué a casa convencido de escribir algo y la lentitud de mi conexión me ha hecho perder el empuje. Eso sí, cuando vinieron el otro día a vendernos adsl por el método puerta a puerta, les dimos largas... De todos modos, si pienso contratar algo, ya lo iré a buscar yo...
Pues he estado con un amigo en el antiguo bar Arkham charlando un ratejo.
Como hace tiempo que no escribo en guiri en mi blog, voy a cambiar...

I was saying that I've been to the former Arkham bar with a friend, and we have had a chat for a while...
I sustained that in the present society we are FORCED to have and use a mobile phone... And even more so when we get to know and meet new people. Come on, explain somebody that you prefer not to use mobile phones, and that it isn't just that you find him an asshole... Lots of people wouldn't believe it...

Why do I write that? I am being "corrupted". Maybe you laugh if you read that, because you'd find it silly. It's my way of telling that I'm slowly nearing the edge of the precipice; the precipice of incorporating that "evil" (the word sounded kinda cool to me) device to my life... Something I wanted to avoid at most costs. -If it were at any cost, I wouldn't be falling... Funny thing is, that mostly girls are "responsible" for that happening, even though they aren't quite aware of the "luxury" of getting me to use a mobile... Am I surprised of letting my resistance down in such circumstances? Not at all; it couldn't be otherwise... (well, maybe for job or business reasons it could also have happened, but in the future, still...)-
Well, and how do I think we are forced to use that thing? The fact is that when I get to know someone new; specially if I don't have a regular contact with that person, the use of a mobile becomes indispensable to meet that person. It has become such a habit for regular people that intending not to use mobiles seems an unnatural complication.
Well, some years ago it wasn't so.
Besides, mobiles favour a lack of seriousness, in the sense that some people feel they have got a license to arrive late in their pockets... (or even not to come, just because)
And what about the anxiety of awating a call or message that doesn't arrive? Oh, man, that's no life... Okay, that's maybe less a problem of the mobile itself than of myself (well, if certain girls weren't involved, maybe I wouldn't care that much...?). But I'm certain that lots of people suffer from such anxiety.
...And people who feel they have the right and the duty to berate you because you "have always the phone turned out", "never pick up my calls", "never answer the messages", and so forth... I haven't experienced those myself; my contact with mobiles is still limited... But I've heard some absurd quarrels like those. It makes me feel somewhat sick when I think about it, if you allow me to say. If some people were more of the "laissez faire" sort that wouldn't be a problem. Why can't there be more tolerance wtih other people's criteria? I mean, why would somebody believe to be in the right to scold someone because of the use he does of a tool as is a mobile phone?

Coming back to the "we are forced to have one" theme, my friend said that we are forced to do so many things that it doesn't really matter.
But that we are forced to so many things justifies anything? I don't think so. And are those other things that we are forced to do right just because everybody else would do them, or because they would not question them? Not at all.
Wouldn't it be nice to walk naked through the streets of the city in a warm sunny summer day and feel the breeze caress your skin...?
What's there wrong with that? Anyway, we can't do it without being arrested... We HAVE to wear clothes...

You find it a silly example? Okay, if you think about it I'm sure you'll find lots more. But I am tired right now. So think it over yourself... ;)
Don't agree with any of my arguments? You're welcome! Enlighten me. Make me wiser.

Resumiendo. Veo una cierta sopa mental, pero quiero dejar claro: el día que caiga en el uso pleno del móvil, seguiré siendo un antimóvil infiltrado; un topo. Cuando llegue mi hora voy a ser el peor usuario de móvil de la historia. Y con orgullo.

Pero espero que sea un día lejano...


At 3:16 p. m., Blogger Carme Padró said...

Sembla un tema interessant, aquest que planteges. Ara mateix estic feta pols i crec que aniré a estirar-me una estoneta abans de tornar de nou a la feina! (vaja, sono com una iaia, eh? deu ser la paraula "estirar-me", no sé...), però prometo venir més tard i escriure alguna cosa! Un petó! :-)

At 4:20 p. m., Blogger Evolving Metamorph said...

Releyendo eso he pensado: hay tan poca gente sin móvil que lo que escribí parece como "predicar en el desierto"... O, por lo menos, no tendrá mucho significado para la inmensa mayoría...
Me voy a estudiar... Umm... Y cuando el sol baje un poquito más, creo que echaré una siestecilla... :)

At 4:27 p. m., Blogger Evolving Metamorph said...

Pensándolo mejor, no se trata tanto de que todo el mundo tenga móvil... Sino de lo integrado, e incluso, lo central que es en sus vidas...

Si no se ha hecho ya, seguro que alguien escribirá en alguna parte algún relato dedicado a su inseparable compañero de fatigas: su querido teléfono móvil...


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