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Si queréis dejar algún comentario, podéis hacerlo en kualkier idioma. All languages are welcome. Toutes les langues sont bienvenues. Alle talen zijn welkom. Totes les llengües són benvingudes. Alle sprachen sient willkommen. Можно Писать по-русски! That's a quite poor description of what I have written by now... Enfin. "¡Mala suerte!", como decía mi amigo Juanito.

lunes, octubre 02, 2006

After all, why not...? (random title)

I know it has been for weeks (months!) since I last wrote with some regularity.
Why, I do not know. I guess I didn't feel the urge to talk the world about any particular problem of mine... Or maybe I didn't find anything inspirating enough to write about; and, again, there was also that sense of lack of energy. Today I have found that little voice in myself, telling me "come on, let's do it!".

That's it.

These first weeks of Ph. D. have been sparsely occupied with activity, for which I am quite thankful, since I have not mastered yet all the bunch of techniques I'll have to use. It is true, though, that I won't get a penny (nor a cent) for anything of what I am doing right now. Not that I complain much about that. After all, I'm no more than an apprentice at the moment...
People like a lot to complain about their work and their bosses; that's one of the first conclusions I draw from these first weeks, in conjunction with the the meetings I had with some of the workers of my research group.
However, let's see what I think when four years have passed. Will I still "love" my boss that much?

Apart from all this stuff, today I started the equivalent to the old Ph. D. courses. I am lucky to already know most of what has been told today at the class; otherwise, I would have turned crazy!

Let's find some inspiration for another post.

See ya, folks! ;)


At 11:29 p. m., Blogger Carme Padró said...

oooggghhh....els cursos del doctorat! Hi pot haver alguna cosa pitjor...? Doncs si...que et toqui pagar-los, no puguis anar a classe perquè treballes i a sobre hagis de fer la feina que fan els teus companys més feina "extra" per no poder anar a classe! (vaja...es nota que parlo per experiència, oi?) ;) Disfruta'ls, tu que pots!
Per cert....gràcies pel teu missatge al meu últim comentari.


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